Blaydon WRFC
Match Reports 2003-04

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Welcome to the new season in Premier Division Two

Supermarine 13 v 7 Blaydon
Sunday 9th November 2003

No sooner had the game started than it stopped when a Supermarine player got caught at the bottom of a ruck and sustained a broken leg, it took some time for the player to be made comfortable and then removed from the pitch.
They player was confined very much to the middle of the pitch with both teams probing for a weakness. But before Blaydon could get any real momentum going they lost Ros Stainer-Smith with a twisted knee. This necessitated Rachel Fidler moving from back row to inside centre.
Our recent good form was being severely tested by the Supermarine forwards who rucked and mauled very well so any possession we got was untidy and scrappy, this in turn led to handling errors and hesitancy. In the scrums we had reasonable control with the Blaydon pack able to push Supermarine backwards; their response was to wheel the scrum when ever we put the ball in.
Supermarine’s first try came from sustained pressure in the Blaydon 22, they recycled the ball well and ran it left for their winger to just scrape in at the corner, despite the cover tackles, and they missed the conversion. Blaydon were unable to put together many phases of play, this was in part to the good play of the home team’s back row who hassled and harried Blaydon at every breakdown. Blaydon did get several opportunities to get back into the match and got close to the goal line on a couple of occasions but the ball was either stolen or we gave a penalty away. It was during one of these attacks that Blaydon lost Victoria Rivett; she received a serious eye injury which necessitated a visit to the local hospital, before the trip home. Luckily it seems there is no lasting damage. Before half time Supermarine were able to kick a penalty to extend their lead.
The second half Blaydon played better the forwards provided much cleaner ball and the runners started to make decent breaks, but we were unable to quite finish off any of the chances we got. It was Supermarine who scored next in a scrappy attack the winger got through a couple of tackles and got close to the line, the full back was supporting and wriggled over the line to score.
Despite the fact that Kathryn Henderson‘s sin binning for a retaliatory punch Blaydon took the attack back to the home side with some excellent rucking enabling them to put real pressure on the home side the ball was worked left to right wing Lyndsey Rodmell to get the ball and easily run around the cover to score by the posts, Karen Snell kicked a very good conversion.
In a rousing finish Blaydon were unable to get close to the line and exert any pressure, and it would have been easier if the Supermarine prop had been sin binned fro stamping on Helen Greenwell, instead of just a penalty. But the home side defended really well and kept the visitors out.

I'm very proud of what the girls achieved on Sunday, travelling 6.5 hours for a game of rugby in the wet and cold and to get so close to winning shows what a good team we are becoming. I am looking forward to the return game at Crow Trees.
Team: K Snell, L Rodmell, C Arden, R Stainer-Smith, K Henderson, C Iley-Christie, R Scott, V Rivett, R Hayes, S Fitzpatrick, H Greenwell, C Davies, E Walker, R Fidler, N Badcock Subs: A Taylor, E Peterson

Blaydon 34 v 15 Blackheath
Sunday 2nd November 2003

Blackheath made the long journey north with only 14 players, but they played with such determination that the game was still in the balance as it entered the last quarter. Blaydon again started slowly allowing the opposition to get good field position and plenty of ball. They scored first when they won good ball and ran left and outflanked the cover for the fly half to score.
When Blaydon kept the ball for several phases they looked dangerous and the forwards and backs linked well and this combination worked well and got us our first try. Sustained pressure on the Blackheath line from the Blaydon forwards led to Victoria Rivett getting her first try, helped by the other forwards she was driven to the line and her strength meant she was able to wrestle the ball onto the line for the try. This should have got Blaydon going but ball retention was not as good as in other games this season which allowed Blackheath to counter attack and put us under pressure. This led to penalties being given away, and on one such occasion the scrum half took a quick tap and ran through to score by the posts, the conversion was missed. Again Blaydon came straight back at the visitors combining well to get into the Blackheath 22, this enabled us to get a second try. it came from a forward drive and as the forwards were heading for the line Victoria Rivett rolled off the maul and crashed over the line.
Having got back into the game Blaydon should have gone on to dominate the game, but tigerish defence and good support play by Blackheath meant Blaydon were unable to dominate possession or field position, and it was Blackheath who took the lead again before half time, their second row crashing over the line by the posts. The half time score was deservedly 15 -10 to Blackheath.
Blaydon started the second half much better, having understood the need to control the ball when we had it, the support play from the forwards in rucks and mauls was vastly improved this led to the backs having more space and time, and gaps started to appear in the visitors defences. Once such hole was exploited to the maximum Natalie Badcock ran through and was able to get the ball to Catherine Arden who was able to spin over the line for the try, Catherine Hitchen kicked the simple conversion. This seemed to convince Blaydon they could go on and win the game and as they grew in confidence the rugby got better, the forwards started to get the upper hand as the Blackheath defence started to tire, strong runs and good recycling led to another try this time full back Karen Snell coming into the line to score by the posts after good handling in the backs. Sara Baxter kicked a good conversion
At this point most of the play was in the Blackheath half but their effort in defence meant the Blaydon had to work hard for all of the tries. Lyndsey Rodmell scored the next try, she had not seen much of the ball to use her pace but was given the ball 15 metres out and ran through the defence to score.
Blaydon’s last try was an example of good support play Blackheath had the ball secured on their own line and in her attempt to kick the ball to touch the fly half’s kick was charged down and Sally Fitzpatrick was on hand to fall on the ball to score, her first try for some time. Blackheath still had the goal of another score to secure a bonus point and threw everything at Blaydon, but good defence kept them out and they ran out 34-15 winners.
The score line may be a little harsh on the efforts of Blackheath but over the whole 80 mins Blaydon just about deserved the win.
Team: K Snell, L Rodmell, C Arden, R Stainer-Smith, G Smith, S Baxter, R Scott, V Rivett, R Hayes, K Storey, C Hitchen, E Jones, C Davies, R Fidler, N Badcock Subs: S Fitzpatrick, C Richardson, A Taylor, H Greenwell.

Richmond II 7 v 22 Blaydon
Sunday 19th October 2003

This was an outstanding win on the road, Blaydon had travelled in hope of playing well and sneaking a win, but to win by 15 points was an excellent result. It was windy dry day in South London and thre pitch was a bit of a dust bowl. Blaydon started slowly and despite winning some good ball a turnover lead to the first try. After a scrum Richmond changed the direction and the winger slipped through a couple of tackles to score under the posts, the conversion was successful too.
This seemed not to faze us too much and the forwards started to put real pressure on Richmond, the pick and drive working particularly well. It was a scrum that gave us our first try, a solid drive saw Richmond shoved back over their own line for Ruth Scott to touch down. Thew forwards had a real grip on the game and some storming runs by Victoria Rivett, Katy Storey and Ruth McKeown kept Richmond in their own 22 for long periods, this pressure led to the second try, a forward drive led to Helen Greenwell getting the touch down (Victoria Rivett reckons she had hands on the ball too though).
Half time arrived with Blaydon leading 10 – 7 and while the score line was close we felt we had control of the game and that if we played well into the wind we would win. In the second half we did play well with forwards and backs handling the ball well in tight contact situations. The backs were really coming into the game as the forwards provided good ball with which to attack. A break by Ros Stainer-Smith made a incisive break to get close to the line and after Richmond conceded a penalty which Blaydon ran they were awarded a scrum which was again driven over the line for Ruth Scott to pounce for her second try.
The game finished with Richmond trying to run out of defence trying to get back into the game and Blaydon’ s defence holding them in their own half, only once in the half did Richmond get into tour 22 metre area. After Blaydon held out they went back up the other end and scored the last try of the game. Again the forwards provided the good ball for the backs, when it got to Ros Stainer-Smith cutting back to the blind side only to find there was no defence and scored almost without a hand being laid on her, Catherine Hitchen kicked a good conversion to complete an extremely good win.
Team: K Snell, L Rodmell, C Arden, R Stainer-Smith, G Smith, S Newton, R Scott, V Rivett, K Henderson, K Storey, H Greenwell, E Jones, E Walker, N Badcock, R McKeown. Subs: S Fitzpatrick, C Iley-Christie, C Hitchen, S Lazenby, R Hayes

Blaydon 20 v 12 Notts Casuals
Sunday 4th October 2003

On another bright sunny day Blaydon welcomed Notts Casuals to Crow Trees for the first time in 4 seasons. We were expecting a hard game and that’s what we got. The game started at a great pace with Casuals putting us under pressure from the kick off and they were camped in our 22 for the first 10 mins and they got the first try when after sustained pressure they ran the ball right and the winger squeezed over in the corner. This seemed to wake us up and the forwards started to take a grip on the game. A strong scrummage let Natalie Badcock run from No 8 and a combination of her Rachel Fidler and Lyndsey Rodmell created a scoring chance for Ruth McKeown but in the tackle going for the line the ball was lost forward. But the play had given us good field position and we were able to exert our first spell of real pressure, which led to the first Blaydon try. We got a five metre scrum; the home forwards just pushed Casuals back over their line giving Natalie Badcock her first try. Catherine Hitchen narrowly missed the conversion, 5-5.
Notts then came back at the home side creating real pressure on the home line, a hurried clearance kick led to their second try when the full back caught the kick and ran thre ball back at us, she linked with the forwards eventually sending the second row over for the try, the conversion was made 12 – 5. This was during a spell of pressure when Notts style of play was causing Blaydon some problems with the offloads not giving us time to get organised, but we were able to keep. Half time arrived with Blaydon down on the scoreboard but still well in the game. It would be vital that Blaydon got the first score in the second half.
Having had the team talk at half time Blaydon knew what would be needed to win and to the player’s credit they stuck to the plan and played really well. After sustained pressure in the Casuals 22 Blaydon got a penalty which Catherine Hitchen kicked to close the gap. The Blaydon forwards started to gain real control and our tap and go policy at penalties work really well, catching Casuals unaware. The Blaydon backs also came into their own having a much more dominant platform to work from they were able to get the ball to the full back and wings which on occasions stretched the defence. One such play led to Blaydon’s second try, the forwards made the inroads into the Notts 22 and quick recycled ball meant the momentum wasn’t lost and the ball went down the wing to Karen Snell who crashed over in the right hand corner.
The momentum was with us now and straight from the restart we were on the attack a great break by Rachel Fidler almost leads to another try but a forward pass saved Notts. Our final score came as a result of the power of the forwards and that we rarely let Notts out of their own half. We had a series of rucks just short of the line and eventually Natalie Badcock picked up the ball and dived over just to the right of the posts, Catherine Hitchen added the conversion points to put us two scores clear. Notts came back at us hard in the final 5 mins desperately trying to get a try to get them back into the game, but the Blaydon defence held firm and we ran out winners 20 – 12.

Team: K Snell, Lyndsey Rodmell, C Arden, R Stainer-Smith, S Baxter, S Newton, R Scott, V Rivett, K Henderson, K Storey, C Davies, C Hitchen, R McKeown, R Fidler, N Badcock. Subs: G Smith, C Richardson, E Walker, R Hayes.

Wasps II 27 V 5 Blaydon

Sunday 21st September 2003

It was another seriously hot day for our trip to London, on getting there we was a pitch that was very dry indeed, dare one say a dessert. We had to make some changes from the team that beat Rosslyn Park, but the players coming in didn’t weaken the side at all.
We started well pressuring our more experienced opposition and forcing some errors, but in a scene theta would be played out many times during the game we would get into good positions and they would steal the ball off us, very frustrating. Our forwards really set about the Wasps scrum and drove them back at almost every scrum, but the wasps scrum half and No 8 just about managed to clear up the untidy ball. It was when the ball got out to the backs that problems were caused for us. The wasp’s backs had very good running lines and caused problem all game. The wasps left winger being particularly dangerous. Our defence worked very hard as we had to, we did a lot of defending to do and mostly it was done well. the first time wasps got into out 22 they got a penalty which was kicked to give the and early score.
The first try came from their forwards driving into our defence and recycling and attacking left, a the quick ruck enabled the ball to get to the left winger who beat the cover defence to score under the posts, the conversion was successful.
The pattern of the game followed a similar pattern, with Blaydon attacking and the ball being turned over and Wasps counterattacking. Their centres made a couple of good breaks but the Blaydon defence managed to scragg the ball carrier and stop the score. Eventually the pressure told and again it was their forwards that set up the platform and a quick attack on the blind side put in the winger for her second try.
So half time arrived and we 15-0 down, and despite this I felt we could get back into the game all we had to do was to look after the ball slightly better and attack using the forwards more.
In order to get back into the game we needed to score quickly in the second half, and despite getting into good field position we could not sustain the pressure and when wasps got into our 22 they made it count. We conceded a 5 metre scrum and a well worked back row move put their No 8 in for the try, clever play ensured our back row couldn’t get off the scrum to defend the space. Their last try came from good handling and excellent lines of running from the Wasps backs, good ball was won on the right and swift handling put the full back into space and she was quick enough to get to the corner for the score.
We got the last try of the match and it was a deserved try for the effort put in especially by the pack. We turned over Wasps ball in our 22 and Katy Storey ran right and got the ball away to Natalie Badcock who in turn passed to Karen Snell who, seeing the space close down kicked ahead, Gemma Smith followed up and in the ensuing ruck we won good ball to run left and Suzi Newton took the ball on before putting Catherine Arden for the try.
Despite losing we felt we had competed well and realise we had just played a good side, most with first team experience and they have played at this higher level a lot longer than. It was a good learning experience for the players and show the level of competition we will have to reach if we are to really challenge the top teams. Knowing the squad as I do I know we will learn and get better, we are a good team getting better.

Team: K Snell, G Smith, C Arden, R Stainer-Smith, K Henderson, S Newton, R Scott, S Fitzpatrick, R Hayes, K Storey, H Greenwell, C Hitchen, R McKeown, R Fidler, Natalie Badcock (Capt) Subs: A Taylor, C Davies, J Thirkle, H Thew

Blaydon 37 v 3 Rosslyn Park
Sunday 14th September 2003

We opened our Premier Div Two season on a very hot and sunny day at Crow Trees with a 37-3 win over Rosslyn Park. We scored seven tries and along the way played some very good rugby.

The most pleasing thing for me as coach was our defence, we worked very hard when we didn’t have the ball and stopped them from scoring, limiting them two penalty attempts one of which was successful.
We started strongly from the kick off and put pressure straight onto Park with our forwards leading the way with some storming runs. The first try came after one such run by Katy Storey and then carried on by Natalie Badcock and with quick ball from the ruck it was give to Lyndsey Rodmell to race over from 10 yards for her first try. Our ability to keep the ball alive has improved greatly and it enabled us to get in behind Park, on one of these occasions after another charge by the forwards the ball was given to Lyndsey Rodmell who easily out paced the defence to score her second. It was Lindsey’s pace which set up the third try, after a long kick form fly half Suzi Newton Lyndsey tackled the full back and ass the ball ran free Natalie Badcock scooped it up, and despite two tacklers she got to the line to score. This sparked Park into their best period of the game and they came right back at us pinning us into our own 22 for long periods. But out defensive line held them out and despite camping in our 22 for most of the remainder of the half they could only get 3 points from a penalty from their fly half.
Blaydon got the best start to the second half scoring almost immediately from thre restart, by now the forwards were starting to enjoy their free running opportunities and we took advantage of one of theses when we got the ball to Rodmell she made ground before being tackled the support kept the ball moving and Rodmell got up and on receiving the ball again completed her hat-trick scoring on the right.
We were staring to create more opportunities, two of these fell to Gemma Smith twice she sprinted towards the line only to be tackled just short. Blaydon were camped in the Park half now and only some good clearance kicks gave them breathing space.
Form a Park lineout we managed to steal the ball, and despite it being untidy Badcock retrieved the ball and made inroads into the defence before slipping the ball to Suzi Newton who managed to get over the line for the try
Our sixth try came from skipper Natalie Badcock, after several phases and good handling got thre ball to Badcock with only metres to go, and she took the opportunity with both hands to crash over in the left hand corner.
Rodmell got her fourth tray after great team work and good handling gave her some space to work in, which she used her pace to beat the cover to score, Catherine Hitchen kicked the conversion.
The game finished with Blaydon still on the front foot and looking for more tries. The score may look a bit one-sided but Park never gave in a defended for all they were worth and none of the tries came easily. This was a great start to the league season but there will be stiffer challenges ahead in the next couple of weeks, especially the away games.


Team: K Snell, L Rodmell, C Arden, R Stainer-Smith, G Smith, S Newton, R Scott, V Rivett, K Henderson, K Storey, H Greenwell, C Davies, E Walker, R Fiddler, N Badcock (Capt) Subs: S Fitzpatrick, C Richardson, E Jones, C Hitchen.







Premier Division 2 Play-offs
at Broadstreet RFC
Sunday 4th April 2003

Blaydon Women’s Rugby Club again set off for Broadstreet rugby club the scene of their Shield Final win the week before in good spirits and confident of achieving promotion to Premiere Div 2. In order to do this they had to play three games, 15 minutes a half against the other Challenge Div one winners Supermarine (Swindon), Chesham (Buckinghamshire) and Rosslyn Park (South London).
Blaydon 21 – 0 Chesham
Blaydon made a good start against Chesham in the first game, with the forwards dominating the early exchanges it gave us a good platform to attack from. Our first try came from a scrum when one of our sneaky back row moves put Lesley Wheatley into space and she powered past the cover defence to score close to the posts, Katherine Hitchen kicking the conversion. After a series of drives by the forwards and good handling by the backs we got to the five metre line where Victoria Rivett got hold of the ball and barged her way over to score, and again Katherine Hitchen kicked the conversion. In the second half the game tightened up and a lot of the play took place on the middle of the field, but a great break by Shona Brown through the Chesham line gave her a clear 50 metre run to the line and she was only caught over the line but managed to score landing on the ball and winding herself for the second time in the game, Katherine Hitchen added the conversion
Blaydon 0 – 0 Rosslyn Park
This was a repeat of the Shield Final from the week before, and it was just as hard fought. Both teams were desperate to win and it became a battle between the Blaydon forwards who dominated the scrums and Park who were trying to run the ball around our solid defence, which they couldn’t. Blaydon did “score” in the second half, the ref gave the try and then changed his mind, much to Katy Story’s disbelief, Katy had been picked up from the England training session at Lilleshall in preparation for the Development tour to South Africa. Blaydon did have several scoring opportunities but a combination of Park slowing the ball down and good defence kept the score to 0-0.
Blaydon 17 – 17 Supermarine
Before this game Blaydon found out that they had achieved promotion and so we lost a little of the focus of earlier games and we started to play as individuals, even so we started well against a well organised Supermarine. Blaydon scored first when Natalie Badcock ran through several weak tackles to score by the posts, Katherine Hitchen kicked the conversion. Supermarine replied quickly after several penalties pushed us back and a forward barged over to score the conversion was kicked. They took the lead late on in the first half when their outside centre got round the outside of Blaydon’s defence to score in the corner. This got Blaydon going again and we scored just on half time after a fine run from Ruth Scott from the based of a maul she was caught just short of the line but was able to pop the ball To Natalie Badcock to simply put the ball down, the conversion was missed. The second half was a hard fought affaire with the forwards going at it hammer and tongs to try and gain some control, this meant eh backs had very little room to work in which resulted in a lot of kicking. One such kick lead to Blaydon’s third try when fly half Suzi Newton chipped through their defence and re-gathered the ball but was tackled on the line and yet again Natalie was there to take the pop and score under the posts, Katherine Hitchen kicked the conversion again. This set up a tens final five minutes and despite defending for all they were worth Supermarine managed to squeeze a forward over the line and kicked the conversion to level the game
Squad: Caroline Davies, Catherine Arden, Elaine Limond, Elisabeth Jones, Gemma Robson, Gemma Shevels, Jolene Thirkle, Katherine Hitchen, Kathryn Henderson, Katy Storey, Lesley Wheatley, Natalie Badcock, Rachel Hayes, Ros Stainer-Smith, Ruth Scott, Sally Fitzpatrick, Shona Brown, Suzi Newton, Victoria Rivett.

 Finally a word from the coach. Congratulations to all and every player that has played for Blaydon WRFC this season, and for making it our most successful ever. I have thoroughly enjoyed coaching you all and look forward to the challenges next season will undoubtedly bring. We are not going up just to make up the numbers we are looking to keep the development of the club going, so while we will be racking up the miles next season we aim to have some fun along the way. Many thanks to all at Blaydon RFC for the backing and help this season with out your support from touchline to bar we would not have achieved what we have.

Sunday 27th April 2003
National Shield Final
Blaydon 12 – 0 Rosslyn Park
Played at Broadstreet RFC

A terrific win for Blaydon, in our first National final, we dominated the game long periods. The game was fiercely contested but played in a fine spirit by both teams, we ran out 12-0 winners. The game was always going to be a hard fought affaire as both teams had won their respective leagues and were keen to get their hands on the trophy. Blaydon started well playing with the wind at their backs they ran hard at the Park defence, who in turn defended for all they were worth. Strong runs were made by all the forwards but a combination of good defence and poor ball control let several promising attacks go to waste. It took nearly 20 minutes for Blaydon to cross the Park line, a surge by Natalie Badcock down the left hand flank was carried on by Mel Christie who beat three defenders to get to the line, with Catherine Hitchen kicking a great conversion Blaydon lead 7-0. Rosslyn Park were stirred into life by our try and came back at us right from the kick off, and several dangerous attacks put us under pressure, but our defence which has been very good in the last three games held out and stopped them from scoring. So we arrived at half time with a 7-0 lead.
At half time we stressed the need not to give Rosslyn Park easy ball or field position by giving penalties away and mostly we did that and kept Rosslyn Park in the middle third of the pitch for long periods. As the game went on the Blaydon pack got the upper hand in the scrum which not only disrupted Park ball but gave us a good platform to attack from, and with Natalie Badcock making her usual strong runs, backed up by Victoria Rivett and Catherine Hitchen not far behind Park were kept on the back foot for most of the half. The decisive score came with 15 minutes to go Blaydon had several attacks close to the Park line, with several scrums going close before the ball was worked left for Shona Brown to score, the conversion was missed. That gave us breathing space, but from the kick off deep we were a bit indecisive and were tackled right on our own line and conceded a scrum 5, but a strong scrummage and good defence won the ball back and having worked our way back up field we were able to finish the game in the Park 22, and ran out winners 12-0.
Team: Melanie Christie, Shona Brown, Catherine Arden, Ros Stainer-Smith, Gemma Shevels, Suzi Newton, Ruth Scott, Victoria Rivett, Rachel Hayes, Sally Fitzpatrick, Caroline Davies, Katherine Hitchen, Kathryn Henderson, Lesley Wheatley, Natalie Badcock (Capt). Subs: Louise Clarkson, Gemma Robson, Elaine Limond
Sunday 4th Blaydon travel to Broadstreet RFC again to take part in the promotion play offs in a bid to gain promotion to Premier Division 2, they will be playing in a round robin tournament against Rosslyn Park (again), Supermarine and Chesham.

Sunday 13th April 2003
Blaydon 17 – 5 Vale of Lune
National Shield Semi-Final

 This was our second shield semi final and we managed to go one step further and gain a vital win and get to the final, which takes place on 27th April 2003, where we will play Rosslyn Park, venue to be arranged.
The game was always going to be a hard one; both our league games were very close and keenly contested. Both sets of forwards gave nothing in defence and space was at a premium for the backs. Blaydon tried to get the ball to the backs and attack out wide while the Vale tried to drive through the middle, and use the kick and chase. Blaydon’s forwards worked very hard throughout the game and gave us a stable platform to attack from. With Blaydon’s back row carrying the ball strongly into the Vale defence it gave us good attacking positions, but the Vale defended very well and kept us out for a long time.
We camped in the Vale 22 for some time before we were able to open the scoring, after great forward work we got a penalty 25 metres out, Katherine Hitchen stepped up and kicked the ball straight between the posts for a deserved 3 – 0 lead.
Our first try came from a series of drives by the forwards before fly half Sara Baxter got the ball and ran through a couple of tackles and ran the ball in under the posts from 30 metres out, with Katherine Hitchen kicking the conversion to put us 8 – 0 up.
The first half finished pretty much in the same theme with the vale only getting into our 22 a couple of time and then our defence was able to snuff out any danger very quickly.
The second half was a much closer affaire with Vale having the wind they were able to kick for position, this was dealt with well by Melanie Christie at full back who ran the ball back well. The game was in the balance for long periods until Rachel Hayes broke off from a maul on half way  and with no one in front of her set off for the line, she was eventually y caught 10 metres out, but as all good flankers do Lesley Wheatley was there to take the pop up and she was able to score under the posts, Katherine Hitchen kicked the conversion, this put us 17 – 0 up and we were fairly comfortable from there. We then relaxed a bit too much and let the Vale back into the game, a series of penalties lead them deep into our 22 and eventually they worked the ball left for their flanker to dive over, they missed the conversion.
They put a huge effort in to get another try to get close to us but our defence worked hard and kept them out and the game finished with us camped in their 22 looking for another try.
Team: Melanie Christie, Karen Snell, Catherine Arden, Ros Stainer-Smith, Gemma Shevels, Sara Baxter, Ruth Scott, Victoria Rivett, Rachel Hayes, Sally Fitzpatrick, Caroline Davies, Katherine Hitchen, Kathryn Henderson, Lesley Wheatley, Natalie Badcock (Capt). Subs: Ali McMullon, Shona Brown, Elisabeth Jones, Elaine Limond, Helen Thew


Sunday 6th April
Leo’s 0 v 10 Blaydon
Challenge Div 1 North

 We expected a hard fought contest and that’s what we got despite playing most of the game in the Leo’s half of the pitch good defence stopped us scoring more than the two tries.
This was a real bruising contest with every player giving their all, Blaydon had all the territorial advantage, playing the whole of the first half virtually in the Leo’s 22, it took us nearly 30 minutes to get the first try a storming run from Victoria Rivett and a “dummy” pass thrown in for good measure as she crashed over the line. The rest of the half followed a similar theme with Blaydon attacking and Leo’s putting up a strong defence to keep us out, there was not a huge amount of running rugby played as there was no space of either sets of back to operate in, which made it a very forward dominated game.
The game was played in a good spirit by both sets of players and there were some entertaining moments, one such was when Victoria Rivett broke through the defence and realise she had a clear 35 meter run to the line, but despite an amazing turn of speed she was eventually hauled down 5 metres short
The second half was a similar tale with Blaydon doing more attacking and Leo’s staging the odd breakout and getting into the Blaydon 22. The game was settled halfway through the half when after a quickly taken penalty the ball was moved right to Natalie Badcock to score in the corner. When Leo’s got into the Blaydon 22 we defended very well and it was good that we did not concede any points.
This was a good warm up for our National Shield Semi-final at home against Vale of Lune on 13th April
The Team: Karen Snell, Kathryn Henderson, Catherine Arden, Ros Stainer-Smith, Gemma Shevels, Sara Baxter, Ruth Scott, Victoria Rivett, Rachel Hayes, Katy Storey, Helen Greenwell, Caroline Davies, Gemma Robson, Lesley Wheatley, Natalie Badcock. Subs: Sally Fitzpatrick, Elaine Limond

Sunday 16th March
Scunthorpe 10 v 10 Blaydon
Challenge Div 1 North

We arrived in Scunthorpe to see a lovely sunny day and a firm and flat pitch, idea for the way we wanted to play the game. Unfortunately for us we were unable to play the way we had planned, this was largely due to our lack of sharpness around the ruck and maul, allowing the Scunthorpe back row to get hold of the ball and our 9 and too much whistle which stopped us getting any continuity.
This was a game that showed that both side were fully committed to the action, and Scunthorpe came out with real determination to get amongst us which they did. This resulted in many scrums and penalties, giving Scunthorpe good field position in our 22. but the one thing we have worked on is defence and we held them out in the early stages and managed to work our way down field. It took us 20 mins to get into the Scunthorpe 22, and as soon as we were able to get decent field position we exerted real pressure. Form a scrum 5 m out we shunted their pack over the line for Helen Green well to touch down.
We were still giving away penalties (real and imaginary) this led to Scunthorpe scoring their first try. After several thrusts for the line and a couple of penalties they managed to drive a forward over the line in the right hand corner. So all square at half time.
We started strongly in the second half having made some substitutions at half time; we were able to bring on our new player Katy Storie for her first game for Blaydon. Unfortunately for us we may well have scored too early, our forwards got into the 22 and were camped there for some time before we managed to drive Helen Greenwell over for her second try.
In the last 20 mins of thre game we did not get out of our 22 and the penalty count against us was amazing. But this spurred us on to defend for our lives and we held out right up until the final whistle before they were able to get the try to level it. It was also interesting to hear afterwards that the referee was advising the home team on how to use the ball they were getting. In this game we apparently gave away more penalties in the last quarter of the game than in the whole of the rest of the season, and as a coach I find it wholly unsatisfactory that a good game can be ruined in this way. Still at least we didn’t lose!
Team: Melanie Christie, Karen Snell, Catherine Arden, Ros Stainer-Smith, Gemma Shevels, Louise Clarkson, Ruth Scott, Victoria Rivett, Rachel Hayes, Sally Fitzpatrick (Capt), Caroline Davies, Elisabeth Jones, Kathryn Henderson, Lesley Wheatley, Helen Greenwell. Subs: Jolene Thirkle. Gemma Robson, Katy Storie

Sunday 23rd February
Blaydon 5 – 31 Waterloo

Challenge Div 1 North

 This was the first time we have played Waterloo in a league game, and after the game I was under the distinct impression we never believed we could beat them. With great players like Gil Burns in their team how could Blaydon beat them, this lack of conviction of what a good team we are has surfaced before, but I had felt we had got over that this season. Our first half display was very frustrating, as we played as though we had never trained together, our defence was disorganised and in attack we gave silly passes and passed behind our support. This gave waterloo plenty of room to work in, and they worked in it pretty well, with Burns organising their attacks well and also scoring two tries as well. We had an early chance to score with Lesley Wheatley racing towards the corner from half way having beaten almost all of the cover defence, except burns who pulled off a the cover tackle. Waterloo scored 3 good tries in the first half, their winger getting around the defence to score in the corner for their first, the second came from a number 8 pick up and run to the line. The third was a break made by the centre and a simple pass to the No 8 gave her a clear run to the line and the conversion was easily made.
We had a good chat at half time, I tried to explain what we needed to do to get back into the game, not that I really needed to, the players were well aware they were not playing to their true ability, and what they needed to do to improve.
The second half was a truer portrayal of the two teams with the try count being 2-1 to Waterloo. The Blaydon forwards had a terrific second half pushing their scrum backwards and getting the pick and drive going well. The backs started to get sharper in their moves too. One such series of pick and drive we put the Waterloo line under real pressure, with the forwards getting close before Elaine Limond burrowed over for all of 6 inches, it was also her first try for Blaydon, and showed off all her power and speed to the full!
Waterloo’s two second half tries were both scored by the scrum half, the first she used the referee well to hit a gap around a ruck and ran in from 20 metres. The second from my vantage point 30 metres away was a little dubious we had a scrum, the ball was being passed by our No 9, when their 9 knocked the pass down (and forward) picked it up and scored ( and believe me I’m desperately trying not to be biased).
In reality we were beaten by a good side, who were earlier in the season were in Premier 1, this experience and knowledge was vital in a game of this pace and quality. We have thre away game to play yet, and hopefully we will be able to get an away win, and return the favour.
Team: Karen Snell, Louise Clarkson, Gemma Shevels, Ros Stainer-Smith, Ruth Scott, Elaine Limond, Victoria Rivett, Rachel Hayes, Sally Fitzpatrick, Katherine Hitchen, Caroline Davies, Gemma Robson, Lesley Wheatley, Natalie Badcock (Capt). Subs: Elisabeth Jones, Kathryn Henderson, Helen Greenwell, Helen Thew, Jolene Thirkle.

Sunday 16th February
Billingham 0 v 54 Blaydon

We travelled to Billingham for a friendly match which gave us the opportunity to give new players and those not involved much in the league games a run-around. It also gave players the chance to try out different positions. I was hoping we could try options we do all the time on the training pitch but never use in a game.
As it turned out the pitch was less than conducive to running rugby and with puddles and ice all over it , it was going to be hard work on the legs. But both side tried to play good rugby and in scoring ten tries it may seem like a steamrolling but Billingham stuck at it well, ands all the tries were tough to score.
Our new flying flanker Victoria Rivett got our first try after some good forward drives she crashed over. Natalie Badcock got the next one with her usual strong running causing all sorts of problems for the home side; she crashed through several tackles before scoring by the posts. The third try of the half was a more comical affaire, our forwards set up a maul 20 metres out, as the ball came out Caroline Davies ran of the line, but all of Billingham stopped thinking the whistle had gone, this meant the “Coney” could walk to the line.
The second half was a bit one-way traffic, as we scored seven more tries. The backs and forwards were starting to combine well and this ability to make the ball do the work created the tries. First to benefit was Shona who raced clear to score by the posts. Next after good work from the back of the scrum fly half Suzy Graham raced clear and beat the cover to go round under the posts. The ability of the forwards to pick and drive in the muddy conditions was excellent and ensured that for the most part we were going forward. The forwards got their just rewards when they shoved the Billingham pack over their own line for Natalie to score the push over.
There were three more tries to come all in similar fashion with forwards and backs interchanging well and creating over laps for Karen Snell, Sophie Weaver and Ruth Scott to score tries, with Katherine Hitchen kicking two excellent conversions Blaydon ran out comfortable winners.
Lastly I must apologise to whoever had to deal with out shirts at the laundry this week, it probably wasn’t the best idea for the team to do a dive into one of the wettest and muddiest puddles at the end of the game. Sorry.

Sunday 9th February
Worcester 10 v 31 Blaydon
National Shield Quarter Finals

 This was always going to be a tough assignment and so it turned out, Worcester were well up for the game and after our long journey it would take a while to get it out of the system, it took us till just about 20 mins into he game.
It was a fast and frenetic start with Worcester trying to keep the ball out of the contact situation and only when really needed to take on Blaydon’s forwards. This worked to some extent after 15 minutes when the ball got to their no 12 who ran round the cover defence to score by the posts; luckily for Blaydon they missed the conversion. This seemed to be the point at which we woke up. The forwards who were outstanding all game really took on the home side, and created good opportunities for us. One such chance came after sustained pressure on the home line till Victoria Rivett got hold of the ball and powered over from 2 metres out, Karen Snell kicked a good conversion. It was a similar storey to the rest of the half right until just before the break when they turned our ball over in their 22 and got the ball to no 12 who again managed top out last the cover to the line 80 metres the other end, and again they missed the conversion.
Not much was needed to be said at half time, the forwards were to continue to munch them up front and the tries would come, concentrate on the defence when needed and attack with pace (easily said by the coach !!).
Blaydon took the lead very soon after half time, a penalty move set up in mid field was worked to attack the blindside with Sally Fitzpatrick giving the scoring pass to Lesley Wheatley, who ran in the last 40 meters, Karen Snell Kicked the conversion. From a coaches point of view it is nice to see a rehearsed penalty move from training work so well.
This seemed to give Blaydon even more confidence and the forwards really warmed to their task, all of Worcester’s scrum put ins were disrupted and they were never allowed to relax with or without the ball. This is how we scored our third try; having kept Worcester in their 22 for a while, we were able to force a penalty. We tapped and drove in heading for the line, good defence kept out the initial shove but when the second drive and roll came on they were unable to stop Victoria Rivett going over for her second try.
There on in it was one-way traffic, the Blaydon forwards giving good ball to the backs who also grew in confidence as the game wore on. Good handling and support running down the right combined to get Gemma Shevels a try, Karen Snell narrowly missing the conversion.
Louise Clarkson scored our last try, the forwards had been pounding the goal line when the ball was shipped out to Louise on the wing to run in unopposed with Karen Snell kicking her best conversion of the day it rounded off the scoring. I was immensely proud of 6the way we played the game and we could have made life difficult for our selves after their second try, but we rolled our sleeves up and got back into he game.
Team: Karen Snell, Louise Clarkson, Gemma Shevels, Ros Stainer-Smith, Kathryn Henderson, Ruth Scott, Elaine Limond, Victoria Rivett, Rachel Hayes, Sally Fitzpatrick, Helen Greenwell, Caroline Davies, Gemma Robson, Lesley Wheatley, Natalie Badcock (Capt) Sub: Jolene Thirkle

Sunday 19th January
Vale of Lune 12 v 7 Blaydon
Challenge Div 1 North

    In the first half we played some of our least pleasing rugby of the season. Not having played since before Christmas we were very rusty, and it showed in our play. Our protection of the ball in contact was poor and the support in rucks and mauls lacked cohesion, this resulted in a lot of turnover ball for the Vale and in dangerous positions of the pitch. Most of the first half was played between our 22 and their 10 metre line, with numerous penalties not helping our flow. Their first try came from a dropped ball in our own 22 they recycled and run left to squeeze over in the corner, the conversion was missed. We then had a brief spell of pressure in their 22 but yet again penalties cost us ground and possession. Their second try came after sustained pressure on our line, we managed to push them back but their winger gathered the ball and out paced the defenders to run round and score under the posts, the conversion was successful. Half time arrived 12 – 0 to the Vale.
    In the second half we played much better, our rucking became more effective, and when we got their players away from the ball quickly we were able to build attacks. We also had to contend with very lack refereeing of the off side line. (Coaching whinge) I appreciate that player’s push the off side line to the limit but when the flanker is getting to the fly half before the ball you have to wonder. This said we have the experience and knowledge to deal with this and we should have, it’s our fault we did not win. We got back into the game with a try from Natalie Badcock after she broke several tackles to score by the posts, Sara Baxter converted, 12-7. I hoped we would then go on to get more control and at least get the draw from this point. But the Vale lifted their heads and came back at us and camped on our goal line. This was won pleasing aspect of the game was the defence right on the line we kept them out and got under the ball several times until they lost the ball and we cleared our lines. Penalties and possibly a bit of a lack of composure when we had the ball meant we could not get the try we needed and time ran out on our efforts. It is only our second loss of the season, and I and the players intend it to be our last.
    Team: Melanie Christie, Gemma Shevels, Catherine Arden, Ros Stainer-Smith, Karen Snell, Sara Baxter, Ruth Scott, Victoria Rivett, Rachel Hayes, Sally Fitzpatrick, Helen Greenwell, Lisa Peacock, Gemma Robson, Lesley Wheatley, Natalie Badcock (Capt). Subs: Elisabeth Jones, Kathryn Henderson, Caroline Davies.

Sunday 15th December
Blaydon 17 – 0 Leo’s
National Shield 1st Round

    Another fine performance in pretty awful conditions. A dank, dark wet day meant that any hopes of a day of running rugby were quickly squashed (in the mud). A markedly improved Leo’s team arrived with revenge in mind and a determination to put last weeks performance behind them. Blaydon were hoping for more of the same but conditions and the opponents soon put paid to that. Blaydon also had to make some changes to the team both positional and players. A special mention must go to Caroline Davies aka Coney, who stood in a prop for the first time and did a fine job, whilst vowing never to do it again (many thanks from the coach).
    The game itself was very much confined to the middle of the pitch, with neither side really able to exert long periods of pressure, knock ons and dropped ball was the order of the day. But credit to both sides for trying, Blaydon were probably the more ambitious in how they wanted to play the game. Leo’s used their forwards more and kicked for position. Blaydon’s forwards worked well in spells and when they got it right they were able to use the backs to good effect. One such series of drive lead to the first try, the ball was worked up the field to about 10 metres out; it squirted out and was picked up by Melanie Christie who beat the cover to score in the right hand corner.
    Blaydon changed their tactics slightly in the second half, using the chip and chase to turn Leo’s and keep them in their third of the pitch. This worked very well and the bobbling ball proved difficult to pick up. This also meant at they had to attack from their own half, or kick the ball. One such kick lead to our second try, the ball was picked up by Melanie Christie, who started to counter attack, this lead to her running through the heart of the Leo’s team to score her second in the right hand corner. It was a kick out of defence that lead to Melanie’s third try the ball was gathered and passed down the line, Mel passed to Elaine Limond, making a welcome appearance on the wing, she then looped and having received the ball again ran round the cover defence from 50 metres out to score under the posts. Sara Baxter kicked her easiest conversion of the day. Leo’s threw everything at Blaydon after this and worked up to our 22, but organised defence stopped them getting any points. Blaydon were able to run out (extremely muddy) Winners 17-0.
    Team: Melanie Christie, Karen Snell, Gemma Shevels, Ros Stainer-Smith, Louise Clarkson, Sara Baxter, Ruth Scott, Caroline Davies, Rachel Hayes, Sally Fitzpatrick, Catherine Hitchen, Elisabeth Jones, Lesley Wheatley, Natalie Badcock, Helen Greenwell. Subs Jolene Thirkle, Sophie Weaver, Kathryn Henderson, Elaine Limond.

Sunday 8th December
Blaydon 56 – 5 Leo’s
Challenge Div 1 North

    This was one of the most satisfying displays Blaydon has put on this season, in the first half we played some scintillating rugby. We scored five tries and some were the result of moves and plays that were executed very well.
Normally Blaydon take a bit of time to get going, but not this week we hit the ground running literally, after five minutes we had a scrum midfield, we ran the ball left with backs and forwards combining to keep the ball alive this allowed Sara Baxter to crash over in the left hand corner. The second try came form a well worked penalty move, with the decoy runner working well, Sally Fitzpatrick ran blind, linked with Kathryn Henderson on the wing, making good ground for Lesley Wheatley to take the scoring pass. At this point in the game Leo’s were under constant pressure, but tackled and worked hard in defence. The third try came from another well run back move, from a lineout 20 metres out the ball came off the top and two dummy switches in midfield held the defence allowing Karen Snell to stroll over the line almost unchallenged.
    Blaydon were full of confidence during this period and almost everything they tried came off, and the support play, angles of running and keeping the ball alive meant that Leo’s defence was never really able to get organised. Two more tries were to come before half time. The next was due reward for the front five, at an attacking 5 metre scrum Blaydon shoved Leo’s back over their own line , Natalie Badcock getting the touchdown. Blaydon’s ability to keep the ball alive paid dividends again just before half time, fine breaks by the forwards got us into the 22, the ball was then moved left for Gemma Shevels to get an easy try.
    Half time gave us the chance to get our breaths and to plan the second half. We emphasised the need to continue the work and not to let our standards drop, which on the whole we did. In order to keep the momentum going it was vital we scored early in the second half, and after some storming runs by the forwards the backs handled well going left and again Lesley Wheatley popped up to take the scoring pass. Despite a bit of  a hangover Victoria Rivett made some storming runs, bouncing off defenders as she went, one such runs got her a try, she picked up the ball 5 metres out and using all her pace stormed over the line, taking three defenders with her.
    Blaydon continued to make great breaks and on several occasions would have scored but for good defending and if the last pass hand got to the intended target. Natalie Badcock got her second try but all the hard work had been done, the ball was worked down the right hand side Gemma Shevels had taken on three defenders, and not realising they had let her go, she passed the ball to Nat who strolled over the line, the conversion being kicked by Sara Baxter. Lesley Wheatley got her third try when she came onto a pass at pace and despite a couple of tackles just made it to the line, Sara Baxter again kicking the conversion. Lesley decide to have arrest having done her work and this gave Caroline Davies (Coney) a chance to play for the first time since coming back from Australia. The last try was also a team effort with both forwards and backs handling and recycling well, finished off well by Helen Greenwell who scored from open play for a change, Sara Baxter converting.
    Team: Karen Snell, Kathryn Henderson, Sophie Weaver, Ros Stainer-Smith, Gemma Shevels, Sara Baxter, Ruth Scott, Victoria Rivett, Rachel Hayes, Sally Fitzpatrick, Helen Greenwell, Catherine Hitchen, Gemma Robson, Lesley Wheatley, Natalie Badcock. Subs Caroline Davies, Elisabeth Jones and Jolene Thirkle

Sunday 24th November 2002
Blaydon 18 - 14 Novos
Challenge Div 1 North

    Blaydon won a hard fought victory over their local rivals thanks mainly due to a dominating display by their forwards who, had complete control of the scrums and kept Novos on the back foot the whole game, and some of the rucking and mauling splintered the Novos pack. This meant that the game was played almost entirely in the Novos half, with only  rare visits to the Blaydon 22, but Novos still managed to score two tries.
In the first half Blaydon had complete dominance of the possession and territory, and only spirited defence stopped Blaydon putting the game beyond the reach of the visitors. After a series of attacks Ruth Scott managed to get the ball over the line for Blaydon’s first try, this was due reward for Blaydon’s attacking approach work. The game carried on in the same vein in that Blaydon were camped in the Novos 22, they defended well until the forwards got a maul driving for the line, in the middle was Helen Greenwell with the ball and she was able to get the ball down for the try.
    The third try just before half time was a combined forward effort when the Blaydon forwards shoved Novos back over their own line allowing Natalie Badcock to touch down. At half time Blaydon were in a reasonably happy position, but having been in the same situation previously and lost we were determined not to let it happen again.
    The second half followed the same pattern as the first with Blaydon doing all the attacking and Novos defending for all they were worth. On the rare occasions they got out of their half they did cause Blaydon a few problems, and the two times this happened they got tries. The first was after a break by their No 8 the ball was then moved left for the winger to beat the cover to score and mid way through the half they attack the Blaydon mid field and the outside centre raced away to score under the posts, both tries were converted by the fly half.
    This set up a tense final 10 mins with Blaydon looking to convert pressure into points and Novos looking for the break they needed. The Blaydon pack again lifted their effort and forced Novos to give a penalty away in front of their posts about 25 metres out, Sara Baxter stepped up and coolly slotted the ball between the posts to give Blaydon a bit of breathing space, it also meant that Novos had to go for the try. Blaydon were determined not to let this one gat away and impressive defending kept Novos out until the final whistle which gave Blaydon a well deserved win. This result keeps us top of the league and 4 points clear of the chasing pack.
    Team: Karen Snell, Gemma Shevels, Catherine Arden, Ros Stainer-Smith, Louise Clarkson, Sara Baxter, Ruth Scott, Victoria Rivett, Rachel Hayes, Sally Fitzpatrick, Helen Greenwell, Catherine Hitchen, Kathryn Henderson, Lesley Wheatley, Natalie Badcock (Captain) Subs: Elisabeth Jones, Gemma Robson and Claire Proctor

Sunday 10th November 2002
Blaydon 41 v 8 Scunthorpe
Challenge Div 1 North

This was the first time we have ever played Scunthorpe, so we were a little unsure of what to expect, but having beaten Waterloo the week before we thought they must be a good side, which they turned out to be.
The first scrums we just shoved them all over the place, and stole several balls against the head. This gave us plenty of possession and territory; but we tended to keep it a little too close to their forwards. Their forwards are well drilled and in rucks and mauls they drive very well, and they defended the edges of the ruck and maul well.
We came close to scoring several times before we got our first try, it came from a ball against the head we ran left and recycled and the ball went down the line for Sara Baxter to squeeze over the line. Scunthorpe then got their forwards going and their driving play go them deep into our half, and added to a couple of penalties we gave away, were able to get a penalty kick in front of the posts, 5-3.
    We then resumed our efforts in side their 22, we kept knocking on the door but stout defence from Scunthorpe meant we could not get the second try, this in turn made us force some passes, resulting in knock ons and other mistakes. Ironically it was our mistake that lead to our second try. From a scrum Scunthorpe tried to run out of defence, but telegraphed a pass, Sara Baxter saw this and intercepted the pass and scored under the posts, and converted it. We arrived at half time 12 – 3.
Scunthorpe came out with all guns blazing in the second half, that and us giving penalties away enable them to get into our 22 and put our line under pressure, from one penalty they worked an opening for the Number 8 to crash over.
    From that point our game started to improve and the fluency which we have had in the last couple of games started to flow and the handling and support play was very much better. While Scunthorpe tired we stepped up the pace and started to create more try scoring opportunities, the first one to be taken was scored by Ruth Scott, who after several mini rucks on their line fought her way over right in the corner. Skipper Natalie Badcock got the next try with a typical barnstorming run, breaking tackles on her long run to the try line, and Sara Baxter kicked the conversion. Our next try was due reward for the front five forwards who had scrummaged hard all day, having nearly created a push over try for Nat, but she lost control as we were going that fast, so next time they just shoved the Scunthorpe pack over their own line, Natalie this time getting the touchdown after almost running over the line. The last try came after several more chances, after several phases of play the ball flew down the back line for full back for the day Karen Snell to crash over, Sara Baxter kicking her best conversion of the match to add the 2 points.
    The Team: Karen Snell, Louise Clarkson, Catherine Arden, Ros Stainer-Smith, Gemma Shevels, Sara Baxter, Ruth Scott, Katie Armstrong, Rachel Hayes, Sally Fitzpatrick, Helen Greenwell, Lisa Peacock, Kathryn Henderson, Lesley Wheatley, Natalie Badcock. Subs: Sophie Weaver, Catherine Hitchen, Gemma Robson and Jolene Thirkle all got a run out

Sunday 3rd November 2002
Fleetwood 24 - 34 Blaydon
Challenge Div 1 North

    We were ready to take on Fleetwood again, but probably not this soon. Despite the sudden rearrangement of the fixture we travelled with high hopes of our first win at Fleetwood. We knew that after our win at home they would be stronger and very determined to beat us, and so it proved.
We had to use their second choice pitch due to the weather, which was had a slight up hill lean to it, with the wind coming down. We played down hill first half but Fleetwood started in very determined mood and scored first, after good driving play the scrum half burrowed over to score. This shook us out of any apathy we had, and from the restart we powered down the hill forcing a scrum 20 m out, Natalie picked up and drove at the defence, we recycled the ball and the backs got close to scoring before Katherine Hitchen picked up and dived over. Natalie was to score a typically rampaging try next she got hold of the ball 55m out and just ran at the defenders, they either bounced off or could not get hold of her and she scored under the posts. Sara Baxter kicked the conversion.
    The next try was one straight off the training pitch, Natalie picked up at 8 and ran blind, made some ground before popping inside to back row colleague Katie Armstrong who then made the score for Lesley Wheatley to score almost unopposed. The last try of the half came from the backs, good turnover ball was sent out to the backs, a fine angled run by Gemma Shevels put her through the line and the looping Catherine Arden received the pass to score by the corner.  So at half time we were reasonably happy.
    The second half did not start as we had planned, a long kick off was not gathered particularly well and the tackles were made and we turned the ball over. This put us under a huge amount of pressure, which Fleetwood used to get a series of penalties, and from one of theses their dynamic scrum half crashed over for her second try, the conversion was successful. We were then put under a serious amount of renewed pressure some of it from good Fleetwood play and some of it from our own mistakes and too many penalties conceded. But we managed top hold out for 10-15 mins under the cosh, and then managed to get some ball to work our way up the touchline and into Fleetwood territory, a fine kick into he 22 by Sara Baxter led to their full back kicking the ball against her own player and going over the dead ball line, from the resultant scrum 5 to us Natalie picked up and drove over the line.
    However Fleetwood never gave up and scored another try through the forwards when their prop crashed over from 5m, the conversion was kicked. This gave Fleetwood a glimmer of hope, but it was extinguished when Katie Armstrong got the ball on halfway beat several tackles and sprinted away to score under the posts, this effort topped off a superb game from Katie in her first full league game for us. Fleetwood scored one last try by their full back in the corner but it was too late to affect the result, and on the day I think we were deserved winners.
    Team: Louise Clarkson, Gemma Shevels, Catherine Arden, Ros Stainer-Smith, Jolene Thirkle, Sara Baxter, Ruth Scott, Katherine Hitchen, Rachel Hayes, Sally Fitzpatrick, Helen Greenwell, Lisa Peacock, Katie Armstrong, Lesley Wheatley, Natalie Badcock (Capt.)

Sunday 20th October 2002
Blaydon 62 -10 Fleetwood
Challenge Div 1 North

Due to a last minute clash wit the Durham v Northumberland Under 16 games we had to decamp to Ryton RFC,  our partners in the Gateshead Girls rugby initiative, to play our ‘home’ fixture. We were pretty much at full strength with only a few players unavailable through injuries, and we had to fill the hole left by Jane Leonard who has joined Ripon in order to progress her ambition to play for England, all at Blaydon wish her well in that aim. But her leaving left a spot for other players to show what they can do.
    The game also saw the first game of the season for Ruth McKeown at flanker and her experience and knowledge really helped galvanise the forwards, and they in turn produced some really good driving play and the handling in close quarters was the best we have achieved all season. This in turn gave the backs some time and good ball to use and they used it very well with much better running lines, the right moves at the right time and some really good running off the ball.
    This style of play resulted in us scoring some excellent team tries. The first came form a series of rucks and driving runs from the forwards, the ball was then run right to the winger Karen Snell, she got the ball and with not much room to work in ran down the touch line outpacing three defender to score in the corner. The second try followed a similar pattern, we attacked mid field , the forwards took the ball on and recycled several times before the ball got to Melanie Christie who cruised down the touch line and then stepped inside the full back to score under the posts, Sara Baxter got the first of her six conversions. Karen Snell got her second try after good work again from the forwards, whose ability to pick and drive caused Fleetwood problems all game, the ball got to Karen who crashed over for her second.
    The fourth was pretty similar with a series of mini rucks and then forwards running at the disorganised defence and a final pass to Ruth Scott who strolled under the posts. Straight from the kick off Natalie got the ball and ran straight down the middle and a number of defenders missed the tackle and she scored under the posts, Sara kicking the extra points. Melanie Christie got her second after pressure from Fleetwood they kicked ahead, Mel picked up the ball and ran 80 metres to score under the posts, and Sara got kick no 3. The forwards were rewarded for their efforts when the rampaging Victoria Rivett smashed through several tired tackles to score under the posts, kick No 4 was kicked by Sara.
    The second half was a closer affaire, the forwards of Fleetwood got some good drives going and Blaydon were slow to stop them, one of these drives resulted in a try. Almost straight away Blaydon replied with another strong run from Nat who scored under the posts, Sara’s conversion was successful. Fleetwood never gave up and their No 9 Worked hard all day and she was rewarded with a typical dart round the blind side to score.
    But the last word came from Blaydon, great handling and support running got Catherine Arden a try when new Player Gemma Shevels was tackled just short of the line. The forwards got a collective try when they pushed the Fleetwood 8 over their line and touched down by Helen Greenwell, Sara kicked an excellent conversion from wide on the right.
     Team: Melanie Christie, Karen Snell, Catherine Arden, Ros Stainer-Smith, Sophie Weaver, Sara Baxter, Ruth Scott, Victoria Rivett, Rachel Hayes, Sally Fitzpatrick, Lisa Peacock, Catherine Hitchen, Ruth McKeown, Natalie Badcock (Captain), Helen Greenwell. Subs Kathryn Henderson, Louise Clarkson, Elaine Limond, Gemma Shevels

Sunday 5th October 2002
Hove 7 - 5 Blaydon
National Cup First Round

We had managed top get a full 15 for the trek to the south coast for the first round cup game, fortunately we were able to go down on Saturday, despite some not being able to leave until 6pm.
    We were unable to select form a full squad, but the side put out was certainly able to win the game, or so I thought. The game followed a predictably course that I have seen of late. We had plenty of ball and camped in the opposition 22 for long periods, but we were unable to rack up the points our play deserved (you might say we did not get the tries, so we don’t deserve the points). This season it has become an annoying habit, something I will have to sort out quickly. The players have a large part to play here, when we get into the “red zone” we seem to look for others to score, it is about time we started to say I’m going to score and really go for it.
    Hove rarely threatened through several phases of play; it was down to our penalty count that in the second half kept them in our half. The first try came mid way through the half, we had already had a warning, when a drop out was ran back, only for a fine try saving tackle by the corner flag from Mel Christie, (recently selected for the Scottish squad), a repeat some minuets later resulted in the outside centre scoring under the posts, the conversion was kicked.
    This stirred us into action and good handling and some good driving play from lineouts got us into the Hove 22. From the resulting scrum we drove for the line, we recycled three times before Natalie Badcock dived over for the try. We missed the conversion and that’s where the scoring finished. Hove had several goal line attacks but our defence worked very hard and kept them out, but we were unable to get into a decent field position to pressure them. Despite what I have already said, with just the bear 15 and people playing out of position I am still very proud of what we did, yes there is a lot to be said and put right, but that is for the training pitch.
    So it was a long journey home for the team and a long time to reflect, I know when we get it right we will really wipe the floor with someone, watch out Fleetwood!

Sunday 29th September
Novos 21-10 Blaydon
Challenge Div 1 North

    This was the tight affair that we all expected, with the game being played a quite a pace. Blaydon had an outstanding first half, the best half of rugby we have played for a long time. The forwards had complete control and only desperate defence stopped us scoring several tries. Our rucking was vastly improved from the Vale game, and this gave the backs a much better ball to attack with. We got there ball over the goal line several times but were unable to get the ball down to satisfy the referee. Our first try came from a devastating drive from the forwards, pushing Novos over their own line for Natalie Badcock to touch down, Sarah Baxter missed the conversion.
    Our second try again came from a series of drives and good continuity for Natalie to get her second try in the corner, unfortunately Karen Snell was unable to kick the conversion from the touch line. We arrived at 10-0 all we needed to do was too keep the level of performance up and we would achieve our first win at Sutherland Park.
    The second half was a different affaire, Novos decided to avoid taking our forwards on and tried to keep the ball away from contact. We also gave them too much room to operate, and instead of getting in their faces we stood back, and with the veteran Jo Wells coming on she was able to organise the team that in the first half showed little real organisation.
    The winning tries came from their youngsters, with their winger racing in for two tries from half way and the scrum half scooted in from 30m. Despite the variance of refereeing in the second half we had ample opportunity to get back into the match, we probably we too eager and this lead to mistake in vital areas, which another day we would be calmer and would score. We also were able to give two new players to the club a taste of senior rugby and both Gemma Robson and Katie Armstrong played very well and both look to be very good additions to the squad,
    The next game is the National Cup trip to Hove on the south coast, where we will endeavour to get back on a winning trail.
Team: Louise Clarkson, Karen Snell, Catherine Arden, Ros Stainer-Smith, Kathryn Henderson, Sara Baxter, Ruth Scott, Victoria Rivett, Rachel Hayes, Sally Fitzpatrick, Helen Greenwell, Catherine Hitchen, Gemma Robson, Jane Leonard, Natalie Badcock (Capt) Subs: Lisa Peacock, Katie Armstrong, Elaine Limond.

Sunday 15th September
Blaydon 14 - 5 Vale of Lune
Challenge Div 1 North

    Our first league game of the season turned out to be a very scrappy affaire, the majority of the play took place inn the middle of the field with a lack of real flow, in part due to the referee’s whistle. We tried hard to get the patterns of rugby we had been working on in training, we were unable to achieve this because of the Vale’s good defence and their ability to push the offside line to the limits.
    The game started with us under pressure in the first 10 minutes in our 22, but good defence repelled all of the Vale’s attacks,  and we were able to work our way back up field. It turned into a battle of the Vale kicking for position and us trying to create a good field position with ball in hand. A series of rucks lead to our first try when Rachel Hayes picked up and went to drive into the opposition only to find a gap and ended up running in a try from 35 metres out. Ali McMullon kicked the conversion.
    The game followed a pretty similar pattern for the rest of the game. We had periods when we dominated the play but were not able to get the points, then we slipped back into mistake ridden rugby, very frustrating for the coach I can tell you.
    New skipper Natalie Badcock got our second try fine a storming run in from half way, this gave us breathing space, which we needed as we played 50 minutes in the second half. The Vale try came from good ruck ball they ran right to squeeze the winger in at the corner.
So we got off to a winning start, we will play better as the season goes on, and we are happy with the points, we also have plenty to work on in training.
Team: Mel Christie, Karen Snell, Catherine Arden, Ros Stainer-Smith, Kathryn Henderson, Ali McMullon, Ruth Scott, Victoria Rivett, Rachel Hayes, Sally Fitzpatrick, Catherine Hitchen, Helen Greenwell, Lesley Wheatley, Jane Leonard, Nat Badcock (Capt). Subs Lisa Peacock, Sophie Weaver

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Compiled by Rob Thomson: Click on the cool graphic to get in touch

Updated 11 November, 2003